Distinguished Club Program
When a club possesses characteristics of quality, the member experience is enhanced. A high-quality club encourages and celebrates member achievement, provides a supportive and fun environment and offers a professionally organized meeting with variety. In those clubs, officers are trained in all aspects of club quality to ensure that members have access to a formal mentoring program, are provided evaluations that help them grow and are motivated to achieve their goals. A primary objective of clubs is to provide the best possible member experience so that existing members are retained and new members join. The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) includes 10 goals that your club should strive to achieve each year. For convenience, the 10 goals have been grouped into four areas:
Education: Members who have the opportunity to earn education awards are reaching their goals.
Membership: When new members join, everyone’s experience is enhanced because your club has enough members to provide leadership and fill meeting and committee assignments.
Training: Trained club officers are better able to serve and support your club because they know how best to fulfill their roles.
Administration: Fulfilling administrative duties, including submitting information on time, helps your club run more smoothly, which benefits members.