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Why should I join?

Public speaking is a skill necessary in nearly every aspect of personal and professional life. Yet, many people are still terrified about speaking in front of a group. Everyone needs Toastmasters. Our face-to-face, experiential learning program benefits skilled professions and beginning speakers alike.


So whether you’re speaking to your staff, your co-workers, or your kids, Toastmasters can help you do it better. At Toastmasters you’ll learn to relax, plan, and present a terrific speech, whether you have 10 days to prepare – or just 10 seconds.


You’ll learn and practice in a friendly, comfortable environment with people who are there for the same reasons you are – to become better communicators.

Everybody talks

At a Toastmasters meeting everybody talks – that’s why you’re there! You’ll build “quick-thinking” skills as you present a one to two minute impromptu speech during Table Topics. At a later meeting you may be the one asking the Table Topic Questions! Soon after, you’ll introduce speakers, give prepared speechs, conduct the meeting and perform many other roles.

Yes, but how do I improve?

You’ll improve just by speaking regularly. But the key to the Toastmasters learn-by-doing program is constructive evaluation.


An assigned evaluator will point out your presentations’ strengths and offer suggestions for improving your next speech. At first you’ll be recognized for your effort; later you’ll be recognized for your skills.

Did someone say leadership?

You can’t learn to be a leader in a day; it takes practice. In Toastmasters you’ll build leadership skills by organising and conducting meetings and motivating others to help you.


You can also build leadership skills by working on a project related to your personal or professional life, or by serving as a leader in Toastmasters.

There are no requirements to visit us, just show up. Anyone over 18 years of age can become a member.
Guests can walk-in without prior formalities, we are more than happy to resolve all the queries at the meeting itself.

What does one gain by becoming a member?

  • Improve Communication skills

  • Improve Leadership skills

  • Improve Organizational skills

  • Gain confidence

In short, you become

  • A Better Thinker

  • A Better Speaker

  • A Better Listener

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© Inspiron Toastmasters Club, Mangalore


Contact Us


Tel: +91 94484 57403, +91 77601 22026



IIPP Hall, Opposite to Fathima Retreat

     Opposite to G6 Cafe, Valencia

     Mangalore 575 002




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